Monday, September 13, 2010

A New Season

This is the blog for Matthew Pittman.  I have avoided blogging for a long time but now find myself at a stage in life where it might benefit me to articulate some thoughts from time to time.  My wife and I just moved to Pasadena where she is in PA school at USC and I am studying at Fuller Seminary.  

For years I let myself be distracted by the fleeting, trivial junk that this world has to offer; I am finally trying to tune all of that nonsense out and hear with greater clarity the voice of the One who created me, that I might do what He created me to do....


  1. Great stuff Matt! I am now an avid follower of yours:)

  2. I am keenly interested in your generation's thoughts on following Christ and what it means in the 21st century! Thanks!

  3. Awesome! Can't wait to read more of Pittman's Utmost for His Highest!
